Tag Archives: YouTube

VlogBrothers, clashing opinions and gay marriage

30 Nov

Basically, this is the best morning ever; I spent about 3 hours watching VlogBrother videos.

(I suggest you check them out on YouTube.)

But then I came across a… Controversial topic. And it makes me sad that I feel the need to call it a controversial topic.

Hank Green made a video about legalising gay marriage in the state of Carolina. Essentially, he had some common arguments against gay marriage, and argued with them till the cows came home. It’s one of my favourite videos of his.

I then read through some of the comments, which I often do, because I enjoy debating my point across.

But instead of logical debate, I found two groups of people, some for and some against, who, if they were in the same room, would have been shouting and screaming at each other.
There comes a point when you have to accept that other people’s opinion will not change. You personally cannot make someone believe anything other than what they want to believe in and trying to change that will leave everyone bitter.

From my personal perspective, saying that gay people should not be allowed to get married is illogical. It’s denying them a human right and isolating them because they don’t conform to society.
This is not okay.
Surely we are past the point in society where it is okay to isolate anyone?

But that’s my opinion. I do understand why some people may disagree with me. While I may not agree with their perspective, we have to be tolerant of clashing opinions.
It’s not this I have a problem with.

It’s people who are blind to love. People who won’t listen to anyone else and are blunt and cold in their homophobia. If you have no reasonable explanation for your views, then you shouldn’t just comment saying quotes from the Bible that aren’t really relevant.
Not that it was just religious people, but it was the majority.
(And, just FYI, calling someone gay does not constitute as an insult. It isn’t a bad thing to be. Like calling someone a nerd. Not offensive.)

As I said before, it makes me sad that this is a controversial topic. Eventually, everyone will come to understand and accept everyone else for who they are, gay or straight, religious or atheist, nerd or popular. And, instead of forcing our opinions on other people. We can just get on with our lives.
