Tag Archives: plays

I wrote a play-like-thing that people kind of enjoyed…

11 Jan

Once upon a time, I wrote a play.

When I was at guides, it was someone’s bright idea to have a theatrical night.
It wasn’t my idea. I honestly can’t stand the idea of acting, mainly because I can’t act. Acting is like lying, and as I can’t convince anyone when I try, there is no point in me doing it.

Anyway, we would have one week to decide on a play and start practising, and would perform it the following Friday.

Well, the first meeting didn’t exactly go to plan… There’s a blank spot in my memory from that night, where either it was too painful to remember, or I just lost interest.
To be honest, it was probably the latter one. It gets to the point where I just give up on trying to make anyone care and I start day dreaming. I think this one was about Supernatural or Lord of the Rings…

When the end of the ‘meeting’ came about, and we had very few good ideas for a play (AKA – none at all) and, obviously, I was really annoyed.
My ideas revolved around my fandoms, which I knew was a bad idea to play on, so I didn’t mention them. Then there was something to do with a singer… That was the idea that everyone wanted to run with, but only 2 people out of 5 or 6 wanted to act.
It’s in everyone’s best interest if I don’t get annoyed, including mine; I usually end up doing something stupid, like starting an argument between two guys, or going up to a ‘popular’ and telling her to “leave me and _____ alone,” because she dumped him, so it’s her fault in the first place.
(Long story. I might tell you in the future.) Anyway, I normally do something really embarrassing.
I’d long since given up on getting them to come up with an actual idea, so I said to my patrol,
“If you guys can’t think of an idea, I’ll just write something in the next week for us to do. It definitely won’t be that good, but we’ll have something.” I may be paraphrasing here, but it was along those lines.

They didn’t think of an idea.

So I spent the weekend trying to think of something that would be a simple plot line, nothing too complex and, because my patrol was fairly young, I had a limit to what inspiration I could use.

For some reason, I remember a movie night at a friends house, and a film called Sucker Punch.
(Side note, if you haven’t seen it, it’s really good, very different and… Odd. In a good way. Perhaps a little confusing…)
I might have drawn a little inspiration from that to write it.

It was about 5(ish) girls who are completely badass and freakishly awesome, in either a futuristic earth or alien world, I forget which. They have to collect these 5 items and give the, to this evil guy so he won’t destroy the rest of society. That’s the back story of the play, not the film.
The particular part of the play was about retrieving the first item, which was like a cup or something.

Give me a break, it was a long time ago and I’ve had exams since then!

Anyway, we did the play and people actually liked it! I’m still surprised to this day that they liked the storyline and asked me questions about what was going to happen next!

I wrote something people enjoyed.

So… If I somehow turned this into an actual story and post it here, would you guys read it?

I’m working on the Marauder’s fanfiction, the first chapter is nearly done and I’ll post it here soon. Remember, when it’s on here, you guys have an input into what happens next!
