Sorry I haven’t posted in so long, but here’s some humiliation…

3 Feb

So I realised today in school that I am actually stupid.

I hit myself in the face with my iPad the other day, and my nose has come out in a big red lump. I’d feel like Rudolph except its not on the tip, but further up.

At a maths revision session, I way tying my shoelace and a friend wanted to go past, so I kind of bunny hopped out of the way, tripped, and almost crashed into a table…

And the mother of them all…
My guitar has less strings than my ukulele. And it’s my fault…

Basically, the G string broke (bow chicka bow wow) so I went to buy a full pack of strings. And, like the idiot I so obviously am, I thought I’d be able to restring it myself.

So I walked 40 minutes to the shop, and the guy said
‘If you have any problems, come back and I’ll show you how to do it. No point in just wasting the pack and having to buy a new one.”

Walked 40 minutes home.

Started to do it…
I stupidly thought it was necessary to remove 3 strings- G,B and E, to re-attach the G string. So I did. Then the G snapped.
I was ready to cry.
That was easily the most angry I’ve been in forever. I was more pissed off at myself, to be honest, because I hadn’t listened to the guys advice.

Then I made it worse.
I tried to reattach the high E string…. It broke.

So, basically, my guitar has the low e, A and D strings. That’s it.
I have the low e, A,D and high E strings to replace it.

I’m such an idiot. Like, I’m academically clever but the most stupid person you will ever meet.


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