Telling stories.

7 Jan

I don’t like saying “I’m going to write a book.” Because, first off, it’s very unlikely that I’ll ever get it published. Also, continuing with a book idea is difficult. Not difficult to the point that I want to stop, but still difficult.

I would much rather say “I’m going to tell a story.” Because that’s more true.

Writing a book is hard.
But telling stories aren’t. We tell them all the time; telling our friends and family of what happened during the day, catching up with old friends or making new ones. We’re constantly telling each other stories, to entertain or pass the time. To make ourselves seem more important.

The problem is, people don’t take you seriously if you say you’re going to tell a story. They just nod, and say how nice it is. Ask if you’re volunteering with children; of course the automatically assume its a children’s story. Because adult books aren’t called stories. They’re books.

Stories are magic. Books contain the words, stories contain the emotion. “The Lord of the Rings”, is a difficult book to read, but a wonderful story to be told.

Stories aren’t just in books, they’re everywhere. In the trees in the forest. The lonely girl in the park. The prison inmate, lying in his cell.

No, I’m not going to write a book.
I’m going to tell a story.

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