Multi Person Interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction

10 Dec

Harry Potter. I have never been prouder than when I say I am part of the Harry Potter generation.
My earliest memories of loving reading and books, were of my Mum reading them all to be and my sister, from when we were 6 onwards. Harry Potter is in a league with the Greats, the Original Ideas. Nothing will match it, in terms of films or books or idea.
Not for a hindered years.

But, and this is a common thought, what about the Marauders? The majority of the fandom are insanely curious about James, Sirius, Lupin and Pettigrew’s time at Hogwarts!
I mean, there are literally thousands of fanfictions on the topic!!!

So, here is what I propose.

We should all write a fan fiction on the Marauder’s time at Hogwarts. Come up with a plot line, post it in the comments and see what people think! Share ideas, talk to others about using their ideas.
If this seems popular, I could run a competition? Maybe chose 7 or 8 chapters? And the ones who came up with them get to write them and I’ll share them up here? It doesn’t have to happen, I just thought it would be a really cool idea!
I’ll be writing a Marauder’s fanfic over before January. I’ll post it in stages and, hopefully, it may be good?

Personally, I think they should have a story; it can’t only have been exciting at Hogwarts when Harry was at school? There must have been other adventures, other mysteries and adventures?

Anyway, share this around! The more people coming up with ideas, the better! Don’t be afraid to comment either. I look forward to all your ideas!
(If this doesn’t work, I’m going to look like a very sad, lonely person indeed…)

2 Responses to “Multi Person Interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction”

  1. Jeyna Grace December 12, 2013 at 2:30 am #

    I’m not a fan of the marauders (i’m weird, I know) but it sounds like a good idea. I hope many would join you in making it a good one ๐Ÿ™‚

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